The bachelor’s study programme Law was authorized to function by H.G. (Government Decision) 693/12.06.2003 and accredited by H.G. 966/29.09.2011. The Law study programme, full-time and part-time, 4 years and 240 de credits, provides both theoretical and practical legal training, which corresponds to the dynamics and evolution of society. With modern material basis, teaching resources adapted to the latest technology, with an educational curriculum correlated with that of other universities in the country and abroad, the Law study programme provides the future generations of jurists the necessary training in the profession they have chosen.

The bachelor’s study programme LAW aims at ensuring a high level professional training for graduates pursuing the following goals in terms of teaching:

Jobs set out in the Classification of Occupations Code in Romania: bailiff, legal adviser, forensic expert; jurist, forensic examiner, judge; Legal consultant; magistrate; notary, lawyer.



The master’s degree programme International Cooperation in JusticeCIJ, full-time learning, lasts 2 semesters (60 credits), according to the structure of the ‘Bologna’ activities; it was accredited in 2014, HG 538/21 July 2014.

The goals of the master programme International Cooperation in Justiceare to provide students with:

- a solid legal culture in the sphere of international law and the European Community, the ability to interpret and implement specific legal norms of international law and European Community, and develop skills and competences specific to the legal activity;

- a professional competence centred on the permanent relationship between the theoretical and practical skills as well as on scientific research;

- the ability to advise in terms of selection, choice and improvement of a career according to the studied field. Examples of some of the careers that graduates of Law can follow, specifying that each demands specific ways of recruiting and training: lawyer, legal adviser, magistrate (judge, prosecutor), lawyer, notary, diplomatic, civil servant;

- solid culture of professional and ethical standards by cultivating competences and skills specific to their future possible professions;

- increased responsibility on specific job duties as well as on objective interpretation and application of legislation



The master’s degree programme Public Administration Management (MAP), full-time, has 4 semesters (120 credits), according to the structure of the ‘Bologna’ activities, and it was accredited in 2013, HG 581/08 August 2013.

The specific goals of this master programme are:

Possible professions: Presidents and other senior officials of professional political organizations, unions and other public organizations; managers and other senior officials of political organizations; managers and other senior officials from other similar organizations; inspector specialist in public administration; Code 111 059 - Head office of a public institution; Code 123 107 - Head office of an administrative service, etc.